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Popular Plastic Surgery For Men

Popular Plastic Surgery For Men

While plastic surgery has long been associated with women, a significant number of men also seek out cosmetic surgery options. In fact, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, more than 1.3 million cosmetic procedures were performed on men in 2017, a one percent increase over 2016. While many men opt for plastic surgery procedures for cosmetic reasons, professional advancement also plays a role. Career advancement in many fields has become exceptionally competitive, spurring some men to seek an edge through the enhancement of good looks and a more youthful appearance.

No matter what the reason, most male plastic surgery procedures are equally popular with women. However, some procedures, remain gender specific. For example, the leading plastic surgery procedure—breast augmentation—was performed exclusively on women in 2017. Likewise, gynecomastia repair (male breast reduction) was performed exclusively on men. Chin augmentation (mentoplasty) is perhaps the most gender neutral procedure, with almost equal numbers of men and women receiving the treatment in 2017.

Most Popular Plastic Surgery Procedures for Men in 2017

On a numbers basis, rhinoplasty (nose reshaping) was the most popular plastic surgery procedure performed on men in 2017. While rhinoplasty can help men look better and feel more confident, the surgery is also often performed on a functional basis to repair broken noses and correct breathing problems caused by a deviated septum.

Eyelid rejuvenation (blepharoplasty) was the second most popular plastic surgery procedure performed on men in 2017. The procedure helps treat sagging skin (eye bags) and reduces fine lines around the upper and lower eyelid areas. Giving patients a more youthful and less fatigued appearance. The procedure can, as well, improve the vision of those patients who have excessive skin on their upper eyelids. Scarring is generally minimal, making the procedure more attractive to men who may tend to be guarded about letting others know that they’ve had cosmetic surgery.

Liposuction came third in numbers as the most popular cosmetic surgery for men in 2017. The procedure is used primarily to remove hard-to-reduce fat deposits in the abdomen and flanks. Abdominal “etching” is a novel procedure in which using liposuction techniques are used to sculpt the abdomen and help define your underlying musculature.

With up to 50 percent of all men experiencing gynecomastia at some point in their lives, gynecomastia repair also proved popular as a 2017 male plastic surgery option. The Mayo Clinic reports that over 200,000 American men struggle with gynecomastia every year, helping make male breast reduction surgery one of the fastest growing cosmetic surgeries in the U.S.

Rounding out the most popular-by-number 2017 male plastic surgeries performed were:

  • Hair transplantation
  • Facelift (rhytidectomy)
  • Dermabrasion
  • Ear reshaping (Otoplasty)
  • Chin augmentation (mentoplasty)

Dr. Paul Gardner and Dr. Leopoldo Baccaro have extensive experience providing aesthetic and reconstructive cosmetic surgeries for men. Gardner Plastic Surgery works closely with all male patients in the Naples, Florida-based practice to tailor results that will help them enhance their natural good looks, restore vitality, and boost self-confidence. If you would like to learn more about male plastic surgery options offered by Gardner Plastic Surgery, contact us today at 239.566.2611 to schedule your initial consultation.

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