Preparing for Your Breast Augmentation
Making Your Breast Enlargement and Recovery as Comfortable as Possible
Temper Your Excitement with Preparedness
You are probably thrilled that you are about to get a breast augmentation, but you should make some preparations for the procedure as well as the recovery period. Getting breast implants from one of the best plastic surgeons in Naples, FL will change your life, but there are some things you should be aware of including a recommended few days of bed rest and limited activity with the support bra for a few weeks. Consider the following suggestions to make your procedure and recovery easier and more successful. (If you are getting a Mommy Makeover with liposuction or Tummy Tuck procedures, please discuss recovery protocols with Dr. Gardner or his staff)
Getting Ready for Plastic Surgery
Dr. Paul Gardner will, of course, provide you with a checklist to help you prepare for the actual procedure, but there are some minor recommendations that can make your surgery proceed flawlessly.
- Do not take any blood thinning medications prior to surgery
- Get all prescriptions filled (including a post-operative support bra if needed)
- Confirm the type and size of implants as well as the incision point
- Leave all piercings, jewelry and valuables at home
- Wear loose clothing to the medical facility
- Shower the night before and the day of the surgery
- If you might be pregnant, take a home pregnancy test. Disclose the results to Dr. Gardner.
- If you are using a tampon, tell Dr. Gardner
Minimizing Discomfort During the Recovery
A comfortable setting can make your post-op recovery considerably easier. Just a few conveniences can help you while away the hours in bed and speed the healing process. Be sure to set up your recovery room before surgery.
- Delegate responsibilities—stress is a well-known inhibitor of proper healing, so do your best to complete work projects, get child care and square away any personal responsibilities prior to surgery. You should also have someone with you for the first 24 hours after surgery in case of medical complications.
- Put necessities within easy reach—you may be surprised how many things you will want an arm’s length away following breast enhancement.
- Pain medications
- Lots of liquids
- TV/stereo remote
- Phone
- Tissues
- Extra pillows
- Moisturizer
- Vitamins
- Laxatives
- Herbal supplements can mitigate swelling—one of the most effective herbal supplements for bruising and swelling is Arnica Montana, but ask Dr. Gardner if it is right for you.
- Prepare a week’s worth of meals—there is likely to be a period of some discomfort immediately following the surgery, during which you are likely to take pain medications. These drugs may dull your hunger, so drink plenty of fluids and stock light foods like Jell-O or yogurt. Your appetite will return, so have some ready-to-eat meals prepared.
- Try on your new bra—one of the great joys of getting a breast augmentation is trying a new bra that accommodates your enhanced physique. Get your doctor’s permission first.
Call For Plastic Surgery in Naples, FL
Call 239.566.2611 or EMAIL US to schedule a private consultation with Dr. Paul Gardner