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Eyelid Surgery, or Blepharoplasty, in Naples

Video Transcript

Hi I’m Dr. Paul Gardner and I have with me my lovely Office Manager Brittany and today we’re going to discuss Blepharoplasty.

Well what is Blepharoplasty? It’s a fancy doctor’s term that refers simply to eyelid lifts and when we discuss eyelid lifts obviously there’s both an upper eyelid lift and a lower eyelid lift and so I’m going to demonstrate some of the things that we do with this particular type of surgery on Brittany.

The upper eyelid skin is very thin and as we age it gets in excess, obviously Britney doesn’t have much because she’s not aging, but this is the skin that we go after when we do upper Blepharoplasty. It’s very thin and it comes right along this little line right here.

As we age, sometimes that skin can get in such excess that it can actually cause problems with vision and in that circumstance it may actually be covered by insurance. But it has to be enough skin that hangs over the eyelid itself to obstruct visual fields. The other thing that we’ll often take out when we’re doing the upper lid Blepharoplasty is a little bit of the fat and there’s fat that bulges in the corner of the eye and above the eye and it can make the eye look very puffy and that circumstance will not only take out the skin but will also take out the fat.

When we talk about lower lid Blepharoplasty we’re talking about the area underneath the eyelid that is bordered by this tear trough and sometimes people will have puffiness of their eyes and they’ll wonder “why are my lower lids so puffy?” well that also is fat and that fat usually cushions the eyeball and what happens as we age is sometimes that fat will press out and bulge and look puffy. It makes you look tired and sleepy, so we’ll often go in through an incision right underneath the eyelid so it’s hidden very well it comes out a little bit into one of the creases will lift up the skin and the muscle and we’ll take some of that fat out.

The other things we do along with that is release the muscle from this bone so that it can tighten up that lower lid and give it a nice clean smooth appearance and so not only do we take out skin but we’ll also take out some of the fat and tighten up that muscle and that’s what a lower lid Blepharoplasty is.

Naples Plastic Surgery

With a combination of extensive experience and world-renowned training, Naples Plastic Surgery has established a stellar reputation cosmetic eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty. Eyelid surgery, is an advanced eye plastic surgery procedure that treats sagging skin around the upper and lower eyelid areas, as well as prominent under-eye bags, sinking eyelids or ptosis (drooping eyelids). Our surgeons refine the surgery with an artistic touch and high level of finesse with the aim of achieving beautiful results following a blepharoplasty, that gives our patients a more youthful, rested, and dramatically rejuvenated appearance.

Sagging skin around the eyelid area can cause patients to constantly look fatigued, despite being well rested. In many instances, aesthetic eye conditions are genetic, such as ptosis, under-eye circles or drooping eyelids. Because these conditions are caused by laxity in the skin, few topical treatments can affect them, causing many patients to elect eyelid surgery.

Learn About Blepharoplasty Surgery

Dr. Paul M. Gardner, Dr. Leo M. Baccaro, Dr. Mark Walsh, and Dr. Andrew Bonett begin all eye plastic surgery procedures by meeting with the patient personally in a one-on-one consultation to discuss all aesthetic concerns or goals they may have. This information is used to tailor a treatment plan to specifically meet each patient’s individual needs. Your surgeon may suggest the procedure be done in their office under oral sedation, or, if the surgery is more extensive, in their state-of-the-art surgical suite, which is endorsed by the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgical Facilities (AAAASF).

The eye plastic surgery procedure begins with a small incision along the crease of the upper eyelid and/or along the eyelash line of the lower lid. Then, your surgeon will remove excess fat, muscle, and skin in order to tighten up the sagging skin and achieve a smoother, more refreshed appearance. He may also strengthen muscle tone in patients who suffer from ptosis, or droopy eyelids, to treat obstructed vision.

View Video Transcript – Eyelid Surgery

I commonly get asked about the appearance of looking sad or angry or tired and a lot of that has to do with the normal aging process around the eyes. So, what we generally offer for these patients is eyelid surgery also known as blepharoplasty. During a blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery, both the upper and the lower eyelids can be addressed to remove excess skin and even some excess fat in order to give you a refreshed and rejuvenated appearance. If you think you may be a candidate for blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery, come see us in consultation.

Recovering from Eyelid Surgery

Following eyelid surgery, which is performed on an outpatient basis, your surgeon will apply bandages and lubrication to the eyes and give the patient and their caregiver a detailed list of instructions to ensure a healthy recovery. Patients are encouraged to regularly apply eye drops and cold compresses as well as to elevate their heads in order to alleviate swelling and promote healing. Eye plastic surgery patients are also advised to limit sun exposure, and should wear sunglasses and sunblock whenever they come into contact with sunlight.

Blepharoplasty is a complicated elective surgical procedure that can develop complications. Naples Plastic Surgery has a long-held track record in performing successful cosmetic eyelid surgeries, making our office one of the most sought-after eyelid surgery practices in the Naples, Florida area.

Blepharoplasty Videos

Lower Blepharoplasty: Lateral Canthopexy


Lower Blepharoplasty: Tear Trough Puffiness


Upper Blepharoplasty Whiteboard Video

Lower Blepharoplasty Whiteboard Video

Woman representing eye plastic surgery or bleparoplasty

Your Eyelid Surgery Procedure

Health is the highest priority of Naples Plastic Surgery, so our surgeons work with great care when performing eyelid surgery to improve the aesthetics and functionality of the eyelids. Dr. Paul Gardner, Dr. Leo Baccaro, Dr. Mark Walsh, and Dr. Andrew Bonett take pride in helping their patients begin the journey toward their aesthetic goals and strive to help their patients obtain the beautiful results they seek.

Additional Plastic Surgery Procedures
with Dr. Gardner, Dr. Baccaro, Dr. Walsh, and Dr. Bonett

The surgical team at Naples Plastic Surgery has a long-standing, stellar reputation for outstanding levels of skill, talent, and beautiful results with eyelid surgery, as well as other plastic surgery procedures. Dr. Paul M. Gardner, Dr. Leopoldo M. Baccaro, Dr. Mark Walsh, and Dr. Andrew Bonett are all highly trained, experienced, and respected in the Naples community.

At their state-of-the-art surgical suite in Naples, our plastic surgeons use their many talents, and personalized compassionate approach, to help patients achieve their aesthetic goals.

Naples Plastic Surgery is Proud to Serve Patients from Naples, Bonita Springs, Estero, Fort Myers, Cape Coral, and All Over the Country!

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renowned Naples, Florida plastic surgeons.