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Naples Plastic Surgery

Genetics plays a major role in determining a person’s body type and in which areas of the body fat will be stored. Many patients struggle with stubborn fatty deposits that settle on their hips, buttocks, thighs, stomachs and/or arms. These trouble areas are often resistant to traditional diet and exercise weight-loss methods, which can cause emotional distress in many patients.

Liposuction is one of the only proven successful solutions for treating and eliminating these genetics-related problem areas. With liposuction our plastic surgeons, Dr. Leo M. Baccaro, Dr. Mark Walsh, or Dr. Andrew Bonett, can spot-reduce and remove localized fat deposits in patients to achieve slimmer, more balanced physiques.

View Video Transcript – Liposuction

Hi, I’m Dr. Bonett with Naples Plastic Surgery. Many patients have areas of stubborn fat that are resistant to diet and exercise and this can be very frustrating. This is where liposuction often comes in. Liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure and it has very little downtime. It can be done with very small scars, and sometimes we can even perform this awake in our procedure room. Common areas involve the neck, the lower abdomen, the flank or love handle area, or the inner or outer thighs.

It’s important to understand that liposuction is not a generalized weight loss method, but it can remove stubborn fat. One of the key things about liposuction is that the skin overlying the fat needs to have good elasticity and be able to snap back after the fat is removed if you already have a lot of excess skin we may need to talk about a different procedure such as a lift.

After liposuction you may be able to go back to your normal activities within a few days and then exercising again in two to 3 weeks. We’ll talk about all the different options during your consultation to determine which procedure is best for you

Liposuction in Naples

Dr. Baccaro, Dr. Walsh, and Dr. Bonett begin each of their liposuction procedures by first meeting with their patients to gain a deep understanding of their concerns and goals for the procedure. During this time, they also work with their patient to determine which techniques and procedures will best meet their patient’s needs. Among options are tumescent liposuction, which decreases bruising and pain postoperatively.

Liposuction is an advanced body contouring Cosmetic surgery procedure that requires surgical finesse and a strong sense of artistry. During the liposuction process, the surgeon will first determine the ideal incision locations on the body to encourage minimal scarring, and to promote the most precise levels of appropriate fat reduction. Then, the surgeon and surgical team will prepare the patient for surgery.

To begin the procedure, your surgeon will first infuse a wetting solution of saline and epinephrine into the problem areas to minimize blood loss and increase the ease of fat removal. Following infusion of the solution, your surgeon will gently suction out stubborn subcutaneous fat cells to address problem areas and successfully spot-reduce fat deposits. Depending on how much fat is to be removed, local anesthesia may be used, or, if extensive suctioning is required, general anesthesia. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis at our surgical suite, which has passed the strict regulations outlined by the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgical Facilities (AAAASF).

Recovering from Liposuction Surgery

Following liposuction surgery with Naples Plastic Surgery, patients typically need rest for one to two weeks before being able to return to their daily schedules. Patients may experience slight swelling and bruising for several days after the procedure, and the treatment area may be wrapped with bandages or supportive garments in order to encourage faster recovery periods. Patients are strongly discouraged from engaging in any type of strenuous activity, including exercise, for at least three to six weeks following surgery to prevent complications.

Liposuction can put patients at risk for surgical complications, such as infection or swelling. Our surgeons have extensive training and experience performing liposuction procedures and have an exceptional surgical record with minimal complications. Because of Naples Plastic Surgery’s relentless pursuit of patient satisfaction, most of our patients achieve stunning results and leave our practice feeling positive about their plastic surgery experience.


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Your Liposuction Procedure

Health is among the highest priorities for Dr. Leo Baccaro, Dr. Mark Walsh, and Dr. Andrew Bonett so they work with great care and exacting precision when performing liposuction procedures to improve the aesthetics and contours of the body. They take pride in helping their patients begin their journey toward their aesthetic goals and strive to help patients obtain the beautiful results they desire.

Additional Plastic Surgery Procedures
with Dr. Gardner, Dr. Baccaro, Dr. Walsh, and Dr. Bonett

The surgical team at Naples Plastic Surgery has a long-standing, stellar reputation for outstanding levels of skill, talent, and beautiful results. Dr. Paul Gardner, Dr. Leopoldo M. Baccaro, Dr. Mark Walsh, and Dr. Andrew Bonett are all highly trained, experienced, and respected in the Naples community.

At their state-of-the-art surgical suite in Naples, our plastic surgeons use their many talents, and personalized compassionate approach, to help patients achieve their aesthetic goals.

Naples Plastic Surgery is Proud to Serve Patients from Naples, Bonita Springs, Estero, Fort Myers, Cape Coral, and All Over the Country!

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renowned Naples, Florida plastic surgeons.