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Reasons for Breast Implant Revision

Top Seven Signs That Indicate You May Need a Breast Implant Revision

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons’ latest procedural statistics report, breast augmentation with implants “remains one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures.” Of the nearly 300,000 breast augmentations performed by Society members in 2022, the data suggests that around 37,000 of them were breast implant revisions.

If you have implants, you undoubtedly know that breast implants have an average effective lifespan that ranges from 10-20 years. This means that you may need to undergo breast implant revision or removal at some point in your lifetime. But how will you know when this day comes, and what other reasons might lead you to seek breast implant revision?

With a stellar record of successful breast augmentation surgeries and secondary breast implant procedures, the Southwest Florida surgeons at Naples Plastic Surgery know the answers. Read on to learn the seven signs indicating you might need a breast implant revision. If you’re experiencing any of these signs, consult with one of our board certified plastic surgeons to see how we can customize your breast implant revision in Naples to provide you with the natural and aesthetically pleasing re-augmentation you want.

1. Your Breast Implants are Causing Pain or Discomfort

If you experience pain or discomfort with your implants long after your recovery period, schedule an appointment with your surgeon. Pain can be symptomatic of numerous issues, some of which may necessitate breast implant revision. Common causes of pain and discomfort include:

  • Implant Malposition
  • Pinched nerves
  • Fluid buildup
  • Damaged lymph nodes
  • Capsular contracture
  • Oversized implant
  • Silicone implant leak or rupture

2. Your Breast Implant Has Ruptured

Saline and silicone breast implants can rupture due to excessive physical pressure or age-related weakening of the implant shell. You can recognize a saline implant rupture immediately because the implant deflates with fluid loss. Silicone implant ruptures are less apparent because the gel seeps out much slower than saline.

If you notice a reduction in breast size, unevenness, or experience swelling, tingling, numbness, pain, or other unusual sensations in the breast area, you should have silicone implants evaluated with an ultrasound or MRI. A ruptured breast implant is not life-threatening, but it can lead to infection and/or the development of internal scar tissue. Thus, a ruptured implant should be removed as soon as practical.

3. Your Breast Implant Has Bottomed Out

A breast implant can bottom out—fall below the breast crease—if the skin and scar tissue fail to support it. Unlike breast drooping, which carries the nipples lower, a bottomed-out implant causes the nipple to rise as the implant falls lower. Bottoming out can be caused by the largest implants, aging-related decreases in skin laxity, and post-implant pregnancies.

4. Your Breast Implant Has Significantly Shifted Position

Breast implants can naturally settle into slightly different positions over time. However, implants that have shifted out of proper position may need revision. Known as implant displacement, there are several types and causes, including:

  • Lateral displacement away from the chest midline, typically caused by an oversized implant pocket.
  • Symmastia, a rare complication that pushes the implants to the middle of the chest.
  • Rotation, when a teardrop-style implant rotates within an oversized pocket to cause an unnatural breast shape appearance.

Note that breast implant sagging over time is natural, as gravity and aging will always take their toll. Your plastic surgeon can advise you on whether a breast lift or implant replacement offers the best option for restoring the shape of your breasts.

5. Your Breast Implant Has Changed Shape

If you notice that one of your breast implants has changed shape when compared to the other, it could be a sign of rupture, bottoming out, or displacement. You should consult with your plastic surgeon to determine the cause. If it’s causing you discomfort or emotional distress, you may need a breast implant revision.

6. Your Breast Implant is Causing Capsular Contracture

Capsular contracture is a medical condition caused by the overproduction of scar tissue around the breast implants. Scar tissue formation is a natural part of the healing process that also helps support the implants within their pockets. Excessive contracture of this scar tissue may distort the size or shape of the breast. Women with low grades of capsular contracture experience minimal impacts on the implants, which don’t impact their shape but make them slightly firmer. Higher grades of the condition can make the breasts look misshapen and unnatural and cause pain and discomfort. Patients with these grades usually need to undergo breast implant revision.

7. You’re Unhappy with Your Breast Size

While most women are pleased with the results of their breast augmentation, some decide that they should have gone bigger…or smaller. If this describes you, your plastic surgeon will likely recommend that you wait at least a year after the initial procedure. This allows your body to heal fully and gives the implants time to fully settle into their final position, which could change your earlier opinion about their size.

Contact Naples Plastic Surgery to Discuss Your Breast Implant Revision Options

If you’re experiencing any of these signs or have other concerns about your original breast implants, consult with one of our breast augmentation experts in Naples, Florida. To schedule your consultation, contact our surgical center today at 239.566.2611.

Naples Plastic Surgery is Proud to Serve Patients from Naples, Bonita Springs, Estero, Fort Myers, Cape Coral, and All Over the Country!

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