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Dr. Baccaro on the Brazilian Butt Lift

Video Transcript – Dr. Baccaro on the Brazilian Butt Lift

Hi, I’m Dr. Baccaro, and today I want to talk to you about BBL (Brazilian Butt Lift) and QWO, two popular procedures used to enhance the aesthetics of the buttocks, hips, and thighs.

BBL is a body contouring procedure, while QWO is a new FDA-approved injectable treatment for cellulite reduction. BBL relies on liposuction and fat transfers to sculpt a slimmer waist and a firmer, more shapely buttocks and thighs. The liposuction produces an immediate slimming effect by removing fat from the waist, flanks, or thighs, as needed to produce the most aesthetically pleasing results. This fat is then injected into various areas of the buttocks and thighs to enhance the silhouette of the body and provide a more balanced and contoured shape. The fat transfers also help tighten the skin, making the buttocks appear more smooth, firm, and youthful.

While they’re a complement to BBL or as a standalone treatment, QWO injections can reduce the appearance of moderate and severe cellulite. Enzymes in the QWO injections disrupt three underlying elements that cause cellulite’s signature dimpling. They ease tension produced by fiber spans under the skin, redistribute fat cells, and spur new collagen growth. This combined catalyst reaction typically produces results within 10 weeks, and most women see significant cellulite reduction within four weeks of their final treatment.

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